Frangipani, or Plumeria as it's called in Hawaii, comes in many colors. It's fragrance is other-worldly- very pungent, strong and floral. The Flora Corona Frangipani flower essence is made using the Carmine flowers. Here it is being made on the sea wall on a recent trip to the Big Island.
GLOW Qualities of Carmine- Carmine is like the rose glow on newly emerging seedlings. Containing the bright fuchsia pink of Magenta and the fire of Red, Carmine stimulates vibrant life force for the body. Carmine's complementary color in light is Turquoise and both of these tones carry what might be called 'the beauty ray'. Added to cosmetics, massage oils, lotions etc., both of these tones beautify and bring new glow to the skin. Carmine Colored Light Elixir is the all-purpose favorite color for most people, for the aphrodisiac qualities of passion and renewal that it brings to your system.

The Frangipani flower essence taps and brings up Vitality in the form of water from the Earth and brings down divine Beauty from above. The Element of Water holds the seeds of your purpose in life; this is a good restorative essence when you want to reconnect to the flow of your lifestream. In Hawaii, the tree is often planted in graveyards and as an essence this is exactly what it does: you are lying inert and Frangipani rains down restorative fragrance and life force onto and into your body!
We have also recently made other Frangipani essences: one that we call 'Sunrise'- pink and yellow- and the beautiful milky white flower. These will be available soon on our website. Here's the pink and yellow 'Sunrise' flower essence being made recently in Hawaii.

And here's the white one that you see in Hawaii often behind the ear- picked up on the sidewalk where they fall profusely!

Wow All This Sounds Amazing. I have an Affinity With Frangipanis. Growing them wherever I have lived and using in many ways,
At present too many bills ro try Your Essences but will soon,