News — Hawaiian Flowers
Breathing Blue Lotus
For many years I had a longing to find Blue Lotus. The desire to see this flower grew until finally, living on the Big Island, I stumbled upon it growing in a pond, surrounded by flowering Mgambo trees. Inhaling their fragrance is other-worldly; time slowed down; I felt transported. One of the reasons that it felt so difficult to locate Blue Lotus- which I assumed only grew in Egypt- is that, while it is called a lotus in Egypt, it is actually a water lily: Nymphaea caerula.
Blue substances oxygenate and...
Frangipani Hawaiian Flower Essence

Frangipani, or Plumeria as it's called in Hawaii, comes in many colors. It's fragrance is other-worldly- very pungent, strong and floral. The Flora Corona Frangipani flower essence is made using the Carmine flowers. Here it is being made on the sea wall on a recent trip to the Big Island.
GLOW Qualities of Carmine- Carmine is like the rose glow on newly emerging seedlings. Containing the bright fuchsia pink of Magenta and the fire of Red, Carmine stimulates vibrant life...